Compact Series
500dpi, 500 fingerprint capacity, 30,000 records capacity, USB communication port, internal backup battery.
Deskpro Series
500dpi, 500 fingerprint capacity, 30,000 records capacity, USB communication port, internal backup battery.
FacePro 200
200 face capacity, 10,000 cards capacity, 100,000 records
capacity, 3.0 Inch TFT touch screen, infra-red camera, USB flash disk
support, TCP/IP, scheduled bell, workcode, wall mounted
Logic Series
Standalone system, 500 dpi, TFT LCD Color display, 500
fingerprints capacity, 50,000 records capacity, USB flash disk, Self
service reader (shift and report setting on the device), Self Service
Query, Automatic Status Switch, 9 Digit User ID, T9 Keypad, Scheduled
Bell, Work Code, Short Message, wall mounted.
Matrix Series
500 dpi, 2,000 fingerprints capacity, 50,000 records
capacity, USb Flashdisk Support, TCp/IP, RS232/485, Scheduled-bell,
Short Message, Self-Service Query, Automatic Status Switch, 9 digit user
ID, Wall Mounted
Matrix Colour Series
500dpi, 3.000 fingerprint, 100.000
traksaksi. Koneksi dengan RS232/485, TCP/IP, USB-Host, Webserver, Work
Code, Short Messages, Scheduled Bell
Premier Series
500dpi, 3,000 fingerprint capacity, 80,000 records capacity,
USB interface, RS232, RS485, TCP/IP, USB Flash Disk support, Web
Server, Work Code, Short Messages, 3.0 Inch TFT Color LCD, Wall Mounted
Professional Series
500dpi, 3.0 inch TFT color screen, 3,000
fingerprints capacity, 100,000 transaction capacity, printer, ID card
reader, internal backup battery, self service query, automatic status
switch, 9 digit user ID, T9 keypad, scheduled bell, work code, short
message, USB flash disk, wall mounted.
Quantum Series
500dpi, 3,000 fingerprint capacity, 80,000 records capacity,
USB interface, RS232, RS485, TCP/IP, USB Flash Disk support, Web
Server, Work Code, Short Messages, 3.0 Inch TFT Color LCD, Wall Mounted